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Urgent Projects

For more than 20 years, Teen Hopeline has been a place of refuge and encouragement for hurting and broken teens. No judgement here, JUST LOVE and good Godly advise.

We are currently in the process of creating a program aimed at supporting and uplifting teenagers seeking encouragement and mentorship. This initiative will feature a special focus on providing teens with guidance, support, and the tools to build a strong foundation for their future. 

Need To Talk?

Speak with a person on the internet who cares. Click the link below.

Suicide is a growing problem in America and worldwide. Each year, an estimated 1.9 million middle and high school students in the United States seriously consider attempting suicide. This translates to over 5,200 attempts every single day. Teen Hopeline works tirelessly to bring hope and healing to those who so desperately need it. Will you join us?

Teen Hopeline's mission: Offer hope to teens in distress. Through our virtual Hope Coach and partnership with The Hopeline, we provide a confidential space for teens to connect with caring individuals online. Here, every teen's voice is heard and valued. We're committed to fostering a supportive environment where healing and growth can flourish.

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Our Mission

